I'm a southern girl to the core, and my boyfriend and my students don't let me forget it. Yesterday A.J. pointed out how strong my accent gets while I'm on the phone with my parents and that it sticks with me for a while after. Today my kids laughed about me going to Kentucky. I'm beyond excited for the 5-day break, and it's got me thinking about how much I miss the South, the Carolinas.

What do I miss most? Well, the little things count don't they?

I miss my family so much it hurts every day. I miss the hair curling humidity and rolling hills. I miss Bojangles sweet tea and the hangover-cure chicken biscuits. I miss Sunday family dinners at my grandparents house, Bar 2004 in Copper Beech, Carolina Bagel and tripping over the bricks on the USC Horseshoe. I miss The Daily Gamecock, suburbia (at a minimum), men holding doors and "bless her heart"s.

I miss flip-flops being worn any day of the year without being met with dubious looks, coats held off until Christmastime, and coozies all over the place.

I love Saint Louis. I love where I took my life for this turn. But I'm longing for a little time back in the South ... when I make that visit ... well, to be continued ....

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