Chicago Institute 2012: Instructional Conference

I drank the juice.

While you guys were remembering the troops, at the lake, on the beach, on a porch somewhere soaking up the sun and frolicking on what I think is one of the most meaningful three-day weekends we have, I was at school.

Yes, I went straight from Walbridge to Noble Muchin in Chicago for our second institute conference learning how to develop corps members during their institute experience. Just when everyone was talking about TFA being over, I jumped into TFA institute work. In a weird way, it’s the vacation I needed. I had a really strong end with my kids, and it’s been very hard for me to internalize what it means now for that time to be over, and IC is helping me get pumped up for what’s ahead and the role I am playing this summer in developing new teachers who are going to go through the highest of highs and lowest of lows that have inspired me.

Side note: I am teaching my third year! I will be making the move back South to North Carolina to join my family, and I am so bittersweet about that move. I’m thrilled to be bringing back what I’ve learned to students in North Carolina and taking care of myself a little bit by being close to my family. The difficult part was leaving my students and the other students and staff at my school who I have grown so close to, including the Walbridge 7 and beyond. It’s hard to have to tell them that I’ve leaving them and not feel like I’m abandoning them. My heart breaks every moment I think about my students, but I have to remember that I’ve done well by them and I’ve prepared them to move on.

Back to why this conference has been so therapeutic and revitalizing for me: I will be teaching fourth grade at Maureen Joy this year, coaching corps members during institute this summer, and I’ve officially grounded myself in the work for the long-run. I have this really strong sense of commitment and capability that I didn’t start out with, and this opportunity is developing me even more in my mission and strengths.

While I’m here to professionally develop my corps members, I feel like I am getting the PD I needed to really reflect on my experience and push myself to the next step.

Okay, so maybe I need to revise my confession from before: I didn’t just drink the juice, I’m pretty much swimming in a pool of it.

I’m sitting here in my bright orange institute t-shirt (ugh, Clemsux, sorry), beaming about the Behavior Management Cycle (BMC) and Academic Intervention Time (AIT). Be ready for alphabet soup readers, you’ll be getting TONS of it.

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