My students are part of a special classroom in Walbridge Elementary. Here is their story: (dun, dun)

They rocked out. Class average on our author's purpose communication arts test: 86%. Class average on our perimeter and area test: 77%.

Of 15 tested students, 8 got 80% or above on BOTH their tests.

Of 17 students tested on their spelling tests, 14 got 80% or above with the majority of those having 100 or above. Also, they had to not only spell the word write, but correctly write a spelling dictation sentence and give me the part of speech of each spelling word.

They are AMAZING.

Spring Break. Peace out, kiddos.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." Dr. Seuss.

Of course, Dr. Seuss was talking about the environment, but I don't think that has to be limited to the birds and the bees and the trees. Our environment is the setting for where we live and grow, right? So this will be my charge to my students, my peers, and all the parents out there - unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. Our children are not getting better, and it's going to take caring and change on our part to make that happen.

This week has been amazing, one in which every single moment made me happy to be a teacher. I can't always say that. Teaching is like what I hear marriage is supposed to be like - you love it, you hate it, (or as Steve Carrell says in one of my favorite movies of all time) you "love them even when you hate them." But this week, I got away with loving it and my students every single moment. Maybe that's why I had the energy to blog this week.

Creating a life for yourself takes more energy than I could have ever imagined. I always knew that I would be responsible for making my own path, but it took 19 years of being a student and two years of being a teacher to realize that each brick in that path would have to be placed with deliberate and extreme care.

And here I am, just figuring it out a little at a time on my own, and I am charged with passing that message onto a class of 8-year-olds. It might sound like biting off more than you can chew, and it is ... and yet, I know they are getting it.

I know it because my kids are amazing. They are a family! I watched them carry on academic discussions with one another, defend one another, question one another, tutor one another, provide for one another ... and I just find myself constantly amazed at how precious and sincere children can be. I find myself also wishing I saw more of that from the adults who are supposed to be modeling good citizenship to them. If only we all were as grateful for help and love as our children are to receive it from us. Every now and then, I see it. But its our charge to make that sporadic display to a constant.

This week, like many others, has tested me in ways that I couldn't have imagined for myself two years ago. And yet, I find myself knowing what to do without hesitation. I have to admit, I'm growing up and I'm proud of who I'm growing into. This week I had people who needed me, and I found strength I didn't expect and the knowledge of what to do without having someone to show me the way. I am so thankful for this experience, because without it I wouldn't be a person of strength and I wouldn't have been able to help this person in the way that they needed. Through this, I have found a friend and a purpose.

Another special thing happened this week: another brick fell into place in my path. Okay, I know what my fiance and best friends and family would spat at me now - I can't say I'm lucky, I earned it. Okay, okay, there you guys go. I said it. This week I was offered a job as a Corps Member Advisor for Teach For America Chicago Institute. I am so humbled and excited for this opportunity - it's everything I've wanted.

I don't know why I've had the blessings I've had in my lifetime. I realized this week that I really have always gotten everything I've ever wanted. I have a family that I care for so much it hurts. I am surrounded by friends who would do anything for me, and constantly do. I graduated from an amazing university after the perfect college experience in my favorite subject since I was 5 - literature. I got my lifelong dream job of being a teacher, I've explored life in new and exciting cities, and I am about to marry my very best friend in front of all of the people that have made my life what it is. And now I am sharing the most meaningful experience of my life with a room (no, a school) full of children who I truly love to my core, who inspire me every day to see the possibilities that are ahead of our world if only we choose love and purpose over hate and doubt.

Yesterday I took three of my boys to go see "The Lorax." We wore our 3D glasses, shared snacks, and enjoyed the movie. I cried. It touched me to see these students spend their weekend happily with their teacher, watching a Dr. Seuss movie and talking about the environment and the book we read in class.

I care a whole awful lot, and my students care a whole awful lot, and that is why I had the week I had. That is why they had the week they had. And that is why I am going to cry my eyes out May 24th when it all ends, and take all that energy and help my corps members put down those bricks in their own paths and in that ole achievement gap. It's about time we make that change - "unless."