Abeyance (n) a state of suspension or temporary inaction.

I knew my GRE studying/testing would amount to something!

Abeyance (my definition) the state of my classroom immediately following Thanksgiving and lasting until hopefully no later than the day before Winter Break.

Maybe it was the Turkey, the few days out of school, or the impending release of Winter Vacation, but my kids returned from Thanksgiving break for what I believe is the sole purpose of torturing me, of testing my appreciation for my own upcoming break with my family. Because OH MY GOODNESS it is amazing to me how quickly 25 children can completely forget or decide to dis-acknowledge every single class/school rule that was close to mastery pre-Turkey.

We had made progress. I had a GOOD class (and not a good class "for my class" but a truly good class.) But the past few weeks, I have not seen those kids. I see kids who have reverted back to August. These kids fight, shout back, run around, cry, pout, shove, stomp ..... oh goodness. They'll come back. No Christmas Party (I think it breaks my heart as a first-year teacher not to than it does them) because they broke our deal and have continuously failed every test, and re-test, and re-test (mostly from tantrums). I know I'll cave and let them have some Christmasyness, but that's more for me, really! A craft gift to their family, writing a card (they did write Santa letters yesterday practicing past and future tense "I have been..." or "I will be" good ....) or something ... I did do a tree and candy canes and the best door decoration EVER (expect pictures soon!)

But all I want for Christmas is my AWESOME class to come back to me! Please! You were engaged, you worked hard, you t

But, I remind myself, I have seen the light. I have seen them as a different class, and they will get there again. Patience, Amanda, remember patience.

I'm looking forward to the break so I can take a breather and start over. Not from scratch, but just a fresh breathe. Re-instate things I let slide or didn't give enough time to evolve before pulling. Re-organize, re-invigorate, re-evaluate what I've done and want to do.

Two weeks with the people I love, the places I've loved, and the food and celebrations that warm my heart every holiday season ... I'm ready for you.